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Chris Malek

Chris Malek is a PeopleToolsÂŽ Technical Consultant with two decades of experience working on PeopleSoft enterprise software projects. He is available for consulting engagements.

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IB Server Cheat Sheet

This page contains a list of useful information for the IB server.

Key Configuration Files

  • - Gateway properties PIA web server box, on file system path like

    • {PIA_HOME}/webserv/{DOMAIN}/applications/peoplesoft/PSIGW.war/WEB-INF/
    • Changes to this file require a restart of the IB gateway if made using a text editor on the service. If you use the “PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Configuration > Gateways” page to make changes, then the gateway will pickup the changes automatically.
  • psappsrv.cfg - app server configuration (part of it): source is in file “psappsrv.cfg” on the app server box, on file system path like:

    • {PS_HOME}/appserv/{DOMAIN}/psappsrv.cfg
  • pskey - gateway keystore file, usually named “pskey” on the gateway PIA web server box, on file system path like

    • {PIA_HOME}/webserv/{DOMAIN}/piaconfig/keystore/pskey
    • This file contains certificates that are used for the integration broker to communicate with other systems. The location can be overriden using the secureFileKeystorePath configuration parameter.
  • gatewayUserProfile.xml - This stores encrypted for accessing the file from a page in PIA at “PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Configuration > Gateways” using the “Gateway Setup Properties” link. {PIA_HOME}/webserv/{DOMAIN}/applications/peoplesoft/PSIGW.war/WEB-INF/gatewayUserProfile.xml

  • This can be used to filter out sensitive information from the log files. This is useful for masking passwords and other sensitive information. This file is located in the same directory as the file.

    • {PIA_HOME}/webserv/{DOMAIN}/applications/peoplesoft/PSIGW.war/WEB-INF/
  • setEnv.{cs|cmd} - This file is used to set environment variables for the IB gateway.

    • <PS_CFG_HOME>\webserv\peoplesoft\bin\ or <PS_CFG_HOME>\webserv\peoplesoft\bin\setEnv.cmd
    • Configuration Values to Note:
  • startPIA.{cs|cmd} - This file is used to start the IB gateway/PIA.

    • <PS_CFG_HOME>\webserv\peoplesoft\bin\ or <PS_CFG_HOME>\webserv\peoplesoft\bin\startPIA.cmd

Integration Gateway Properties

Let’s review a few important properties in the file.

  • ig.log.level - Gateway log level
    • This property controls the amount of information included into entries of the error log file “errorLog.html” and the message log file “msgLog.html”. See Log file section below for more detail.
  • ig.isc.serverURL - The default application server and JOLT port.
    • Examples:
      • //appserver1:9000
      • //appserver1:9000, //appserver2:9000 - for Load Balancing
  • ig.isc.{nodeName}.serverURL - If your integration gateway is serving more than one node, you can specify the application server and JOLT port for each node. The {nodeName} is the name of the node. For example:
    • ig.isc.PSFT_HRDEV.serverURL=//appserver1:9000
    • ig.isc.PSFT_HRDEV.serverURL=//appserver1:9000, //appserver2:9000 - for Load Balancing

Log Files

The message log file “msgLog.html” is generated only if the {PIA_HOME}/webserv/{DOMAIN}/applications/peoplesoft/PSIGW.war/WEB-INF/ (see above) ig.log.level has value between 3 and 5. The same property also controls the amount of information included into entries of the error log file “errorLog.html”.

  • errorLog.html - Gateway error log file
    • {PIA_HOME}/webserv/{DOMAIN}/applications/peoplesoft/PSIGW.war/WEB-INF/errorLog.html
      • This will be relative to the server that is running the IB gateway (weblogic). If you have a multi-server environment make sure you are looking at the correct server.
    • The detail in this file is controlled by the ig.log.level property in the file.
    • This file can have very sensitive information in it. It is important to secure this file to very privileged users.
    • The location can be changed by setting the ig.errorLog.filename property in the file.
  • msgLog.html - Gateway message log file
    • {PIA_HOME}/webserv/{DOMAIN}/applications/peoplesoft/PSIGW.war/WEB-INF/msgLog.html
      • This will be relative to the server that is running the IB gateway (weblogic). If you have a multi-server environment make sure you are looking at the correct server.
    • The message log file “msgLog.html” is generated only if the {PIA_HOME}/webserv/{DOMAIN}/applications/peoplesoft/PSIGW.war/WEB-INF/ (see above) ig.log.level has value between 3 and 5.
    • This file can have very sensitive information in it. It is important to secure this file to very privileged users.
  • APPSRV_mmdd.LOG - App server log file “APPSRV_mmdd.LOG” (where mmdd are month and day digits) on app server box, path:
    • {PIA_HOME}/appserv/{DOMAIN}/LOGS/APPSRV_mmdd.LOG
    • How do I know which application server to look at if I have more than one?
      • In the file there is a property called ig.isc.serverURL or ig.isc.{targetNodeName}.serverURL where {targetNodeName} is the node being targeted. This is the name of the application server that the IB gateway will use to connect to the database. This is the application server that you should look at for the log file. The value might look like this: //psft-cs92u015.c.peoplesoftdemo-1470578694381.internal:9033. There could be more than one application server in the list. In that case you will need to look at the log file for each application server.

Additional References

  • Doc ID 1545389.1
  • PeopleTools 8.5x PeopleBook:
    • PeopleTools 8.5x : Integration Broker Administration > Managing Integration Gateways
    • Integration Broker > Managing Error Handling, Logging, Tracing, and Debugging
    • Integration Broker Service Operations Monitor > Viewing Integration Gateway Logging Data for Service Operations
    • Integration Broker Administration > Managing Integration Gateways > Masking Gateway Log File Elements
    • System and Server Administration > Tracing, Logging, and Debugging
    • Integration Broker Administration > Tuning Messaging System Performance
    • System and Server Administration > Using the PSADMIN Utility
    • Security Administration > Encrypting Text With PSCipher